Sunday, March 27, 2016

[REVIEW!] YOUNGER Tv Series - Season 2

This season, you are going to see how mature Josh is and how worth he is to keep as Liza's boyfriend!

I'm going to give you spoilers about this season, and i'm suggesting you to watch all of the episodes (season 1 - season 2). Season 3 will come out a couples months later. So, you still have much time to catch up! I'm really really recommend you guys to watch this show :

Josh, you are absolutely a nice guy!!!! i just get envy to have a boyfriend like you. Really mature, kind, gentle, and knows how to make us (girls) to calm down... Just, can't imagine if i have you as mine. LOL !!!

Yep, Josh knew about who Liza really is. And he accepts it. But, Liza is the one who has a problem. Josh is totally fine with it. He even wants to know Liza's personal life including her past, her old friends, and he's not ashamed at all about their relationship. But Liza still has to lie about her personal life to other people (in her office, of course)


Josh and Charles. What is the different between this two? For me, just one thing. THE AGE.
Both of them are kind, more like perfect guys, both of them (i believe) love Liza just the way she is.

Josh knows the truth, and Charles doesn't. But it doesn't matter if Charles finds out. Because, his age still around/older than Liza's. And this situation makes Liza feel hard to choose (me either). Because, if she picks Charles, what would happen with Josh? He is the one who knows first about the truth and he was fight for it, and accepting it with a greatest heart. Will we just forget about what Josh has done for Liza? All of the understanding and mature thing for Liza's life, Liza's lie... It's going to be really HURT!!

But if Liza picks Josh, I'm not really sure that they'll be okay for long term relationship. If Josh will always be this person that i know from season 1 - season 2, he's completely fine for long term relationship (in real situation, not in the situation while Liza still has to lie about her age to everybody). But, Liza? She is the one who we have to worry about. Maybe one day she'd be ashamed about her younger boyfriend. 

In Season 1 episode 12 they were broke up and getting back together in the end. This season, they were broke up again in episode 8. And Josh, is always the one who's getting hurt. Liza hurts too, but Josh, much more... Josh was trying to follow what Liza’s wants, but sometimes, everyone thinks that Josh is just a bullshit man because of he does something. In fact, Liza is the one who asks Josh to does that. (the New York Times problem).

The end of the last episode in season 2, Josh knows that he is really loves Liza, and he makes a decision to live in Liza’s (personal problem) life.

He said “ I wanna be with you, whatever that means. I’m all in”

Again, he fights for it. I think, it's a normal act from him. Not kinda he is an unstable guy.


Actually, i can't choose loudly who's i'm gonna pick. #TeamJosh or #TeamCharles. Like i sad, they both are great guys. But, i am a little bit more to be #TeamCharles considering the age and long term relationship. Because i don't trust Liza enough if she will be okay with Josh for long term relationship. Liza, not Josh.

Just wait for season 3, will they break up again? Will Liza choose Josh? Or Charles?...

source: Google

btw, i think Liza should tells Kelsey about the truth, i agree with Josh's suggestion about it (S02E02). 

- ao

Thursday, March 24, 2016

[REVIEW1] YOUNGER Tv Series - Season 1

New Favorite Tv Series is YOUNGER! yeayyy...

source: IMDb

First time i watch this show, in my tv cable was Episode 9. And i was kinda interested with this episode, so i searched for this show to watch from the beginning.. And i found it!

Aku nonton dari episode awal, dan aku merasa film ini punya ide yang cukup unique. An old woman, wanna start over (in new -fake- identity) her 20's for getting a job!!. Her name is LIZA. Drama-Romance-Comedy Genres.. So, it's kinda funny show...

Liza (Foster) merupakan wanita yang telah bercerai dan memiliki anak, she really loves books and wanna get a job in publishing office. Pasca perceraiannya, ia ingin kembali ke dunia kerja untuk memulai karir dan kesempatan get a new her love life. Tapi, dengan usianya sekarang ia pun sulit mendapatkan pekerjaan. Setelah gagal untuk masuk salah satu perusahaan, she with her bestfiriend Maggie pergi ke bar. Disana Liza bertemu dengan seorang laki-laki muda berusia 26 tahun yang menganggap Liza seumur dengannya, yaitu 20an.. And that's how the idea of making a new identity was started. Lol

Her bestfriend Maggie, helps her to makeover how she looks like to be an 26 years girl and start to get a new job. Finally, she got it. Liza mendapatkan pekerjaan disalah satu publishing office sebagai asistant. Dan dia bekerja sama dan juga bersahabat dengan Kelsey (Duff) -yang juga berusia 26-.

[SPOILER ALERT!] I don't tell you the details of the every episode. I just wanna share the points of the whole season 1 and what i think. So here we go

Liza starts dating Josh, the guy who meet her and say to her that she is around his age (20s) at the bar. I really love to see how romantic and cute they are, how hot and handsome Josh is.

In her office, Liza's boss named Charles starting gets know more about Liza. Liza helps Charles to babysit his two little girls while Charles needs to attend a Pen awards. And still nothing special happen with this two 'till the end of season.

Liza and Josh are just dating or 'hanging out', not making a true relationship. Until one day, she has to tell Josh about the real she is (age-divorce-daughter). Because they both are realize that they are finally fall in love each other. And yeah.. Liza tells him. And i feel sorry for Josh, and i just sad for Josh. he was so kind and love her. Can you imagine? When you love someone, and then you find out that she/he was has been lying to you about something that really matter?. 

Josh said "It's not the age, It's not. It's the lie" , so they're broke up... 
At the end of the last episode, after Liza gave him a short video that she made from the pics of her from her life before and after she met Josh, Josh comes to see Liza and they're..... back together again :) Josh forgive her, and Liza doesn't hoping to pick up what their's left off but wanna start all over again from the beginning. 

- ao

Saturday, March 5, 2016


Seperti yang aku tulis minggu lalu, kalo minggu ini aku bikin DIY Project. Dan yaaaaaa.... sudah berhasil. Walaupun sempet diculik sama Mihas buat kuliner di Sugoi-Tei (reviewnya disini). Jadi aku bikin DIY Project nya hanya berjalan 3 hari. Hari senin, kamis dan jumat. Hasilnya juga ga banyak, karena aku juga masih coba-coba dan belajar gitu.... Aku bikin DIY nya fokus di work-table aku, yang punya tiga rak laci di pojok. Jadi untuk barang-barang yang aku bikin adalah 

1. Slot Storage. 
Wada dengan beberapa slot ini aku taruh di meja aku, isinya seperti sticky notes, paper klip, karet, dan isolasi. Seperti ini bentuknya:

Aku simpan di meja aku tepat dibawah tempat yang biasa aku tempelin dengan sticky notes. Jadi seperti info-info yang bisa sebagai reminder aku. Bikinnya dari kardus bekas, aku lapisi dengan kertas metalik dan aku tempel dengan doubletip karena lem tembak aku habis (ternyata persediaan lem-nya udah abis). Jadi ya seperti gambar diatas. Walaupun ga sempurna tapi masih tetep berguna sesuai dengan tujuanku.

2. Desk Box
Di meja atas laci, aku juga bikin box kecil warna merah yang aku gunakan untuk wadah jam dan gelang yang sehari-hari aku pakai kalau mau keluar rumah. Seperti ini:

Untuk box pink pojok, itu aku beli seharga Rp.20.000 di Pasar Minggu. Memang sih bikinanku tidak sebagus itu, tapi kalo kita bisa manfaatin barang-barang bekas yang ada dirumah, kenapa ga bikin sendiri?. hehe

3. Box dalam laci
Laci aku ada tiga susun dan tadinya ga teratur penataannya. Jadi aku bikinkan box, dan pembatas2 agar terlihatlebih rapi dan tertata. Pada laci teratas, laci nomor satu, aku bikin box kecil di pojok kanan bawah unutk aku meletakkan aksesoris seperti earphone.

a. Laci atas: pojok kanan bawah

Selanjutnya untuk laci tengah atau nomor dua, aku bikin pembatas dan menjadi dua bagian. Bisa dilihat pada gambar dibawah ini. 

b. Laci tengah: bagian kanan
Kemudian unutk laci paling bawah, juga aku bikin kan pembatas. Sebelah kanan adalah pouch aku. Pouch isinya seperti supply stuff tissue pocket, ada camera, dan stuff seperti tongsis, fisheye dan sejenisnya. Dan yang aku beri batas disebelah kiri adalah tempat untuk barang yang kecil2.

c. Laci bawah: bagian kiri atas


Okay, that's my DIY Project minggu ini. Minggu pertama di bulan Maret. Ya maybe next time bikin lagi dan belajar lebih bagus lagi bikinnya hahaah




Minggu ini abis di-apel-in sama si Mihas dan dia mengacaukan rencana DIY Project aku, beuh..  (DIY bisa diliat disini ). Tepatnya di hari Selasa dan Rabu. Hari Selasa kita memutuskan untuk kuliner, dan tempat tujuan kita adalah salah satu restoran jepang di Malang. Namanya adalah Sugoi-Tei. Ini adalah ketiga kalinya aku kesini dan kedua kalinya Mihas kesini (semuanya sama aku). 

Kali ini pengen aja bikin review tentang restoran jepang ini. Mihas salah satu penggemar masakan jepang. Setelah Cocari All You Can Eat kita santap (reviewnya disini ), mau coba masakan jepang di Malang (sebenernya nyari yang All You Can Eat tapi belum adaahhh). Yang aku tau, makan sushi di Malang yang paling terkenal itu P*co-p*co, karena harganya yang bersahabat sepertinya. Dam aku tiap makan sushi juga akhirnya disana terus. Tapi si Mihas ini ga terlalu seneng, bagi dia kurang nendang. Pengen yang asli, (lah emang itu palsu?) #ifyouknowwhatimean. Nah dia ngajak aku ke Sushi-Tei yang ternyata di Malang kaga adaahhh... Jadi aku ajak deh dia ke Sugoi-Tei yang emang specialis masakan Jepang, 

Karena aku kesini sama Mihas 2 kali, jadi aku mau gabungin reviewnya. First of all, aku seneng sushi tapi non amis-amis haha... aku suka ikan, tapi mateng. Dan sebenernya sempet trauma sama sushi karena pernah makan yang salmon dan itu eneg banget nget. Sampe mual. Akhirnya aku punya andalah menu (setiap saat) kalo diajak makan sushi, yaitu California Roll. Itu aman dari amis-amis.  haahaha

Saat di Sugoi-Tei. Mihas, yang doyan banget sama fresh salmon, dia pun memesan Salmon Cheese Roll. Penampakannya seperti inih,,,

Dan diriku mencoba memesan yang lain selain California Roll hahaa dengan perasaan was-was. Akhirnya
aku baca tu rincian ingredients yang ada dibawah gambar tiap menu. Akhirnya aku memilih Kani Salad Roll. Isi-nya non amis-amis, dan sayuran (namanya juga salah) ga jauh beda sama California Roll. Aku seneng soalnya kayak seger gitu isinya alpukat, timun, daun salada. Dan aku doyan (alhamdulillah). Penampakannya seperti ini:

Menu lain yang kita pesan ada Salmon Nigiri, isinya cuma dua, penampakannya seperti ini:

Juga ada ramen, namanya Gyuniku Ramen. Seperti inih:

Review: (tempat makan sushi biasanya = p*co-p*co)
1. Tempatnya cozy. Aku dibagian no smoking area, kursinya sofa disusun letter L. dengan meja yang cukup luas buat dua orang doang kayak aku kemaren . (sorry no pic). Agak gerah, ac-nya emang ga terlalu berasa saat itu dan aku kesana pas lunch-time jadi tengah hari bolong.
2. Pesananku hampir sama dengan California Roll yang jadi menu andalanku tiap makan sushi di biasanya. Kelebihannya, size lebih besar dari yang biasanya aku makan. Disini California Roll harganya Rp. 35.000 sedangkan biasanya Rp. 25.000. Maybe perbedaan size yang lebih besar, dan banyaknya isi dari sushinya yang bikin harga-nya beda Rp.10.000.
3. Dulu nyobain salmon pesenan Mihas di tempat biasanya tu aku mual. Tapi kemaren icip salmon-nya dia dannnnnnn i'm don't feel sick at all. Totally fine. Sama sekali ga eneg, ga mual. Dan Mihas juga puas dengan taste-nya. Memang beda dari tempat makan biasanya.
4. Kalau sushi-nya udah oke. Sekarang Salmon Nigiri, ya cuma nasi sama salmon doang diatas-nya. Standar. Jadi rasa ya ga waw banget. Tapi tetep salmon-nya aman. Fresh Salmon tapi no amis.
5. Gyuniku Ramen. Menurut Mihas, nothing special. Ya seperti ramen pada umumnya. Ada sedikit perasaan kalo taste tidak sesuai dengan harganya yang hampir Rp. 50.000 itu.
6. Harga sudah termasuk pajak restoran

Beberapa foto menu sushi:

 Family Menu:


Okay, itu sedikit review dari aku. Setelah dari Sugoi-Tei, kita menuju tempat gelato di Malang. Yaitu BVGIL Gelato & Friends. Aku ga sempet foto :( malah video-an, jadi gabisa review. Next time aja yakkkk :)
